Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Tabernacle

Our history lessons over the past few weeks have progressed from Egypt, into studying Moses and the Israelites journey to the promised land. We spent few weeks studying the different feasts celebrated by Jewish families (and why we as Christians no longer celebrate these today) and the Tabernacle. I wanted the kids to fully understand the importance of the tabernacle to our church history and what an amazing structure it was. I encouraged them to make a tabernacle model all on their own (except for a little help from Mom with the hot glue gun). Here was the first step...constructing the frame. We were amazed to study just how large the tabernacle actually was and how much work it must have been to move it. The next step was to make curtains for the frame (Thank you box of Kleenex!)
They made a batch of salt dough and sculpted out a basin, lampstand, and ark of the covenant.

Next, it was time for painting...

Here is their finished work...
Here is a close-up view...they realized one mistake they made was that the lampstand was actually inside of the Holy of Holies and they made it a little too large to fit in there. We'll know better for next time.
We are looking forward to our end of unit celebration with our co-op next week (that's right the first 9 weeks of school are over!). We are planing an authentic Sukkot Feast.


Grandma said...

Wow! What an amazing job you did! Nothing like "hands on" learning! You guys are unbelievable!

Andrea said...
