Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sukkot Feast - Unit 1 Celebration

We held our Tapestry of Grace end-of-unit celebration last night. After studying the Jewish feasts for several weeks it was decided that we would hold our own Sukkot Feast (or Feast of Booths), which was traditionally held around the harvest time of year. They would construct booths in their yards where they would eat, sleep and worship for seven days. Here are the children constructing their booth... Next, they covered it with greenery...

Listening to a story, waiting for the feast to begin...
Each family spread their blanket out around the booth to partake in the festivities.
The children put on a little skit for their Dads.

We dined on lamb, lentil stew, pitas, hummus, grapes, olives, challah bread, and more...

We are excited for the start of Unit #2!!

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