Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Shelf Makeover...

I've developed this new "waiting for baby" hobby lately of picking up items at yard sales that are considered "junk" and making them over for practical use in our home. It fills two of my hobbies...having projects and decorating on the cheap! Yesterday I picked this shelf up for $ 1.00. The paint was pretty worn and it had these lovely rose stickers on it and fancy trim hot-glued to the top. I also found this set of cute little jars, all 4 for 50 cents!
I stopped at Home Depot on the way home and bought a 97 cent can of spray paint and a 69 cent dowel rod.

I had Dave drill holes in the sides of it to run the dowel rod through, cleaned it, and gave it (and the jar lids) a fresh coat of white paint, and made myself a lovely shelf for scrapbook supplies for $ 2.66!


Susan said...

Very cool! I'm envious!


Andrea said...

so stinking cute ... love it!