Saturday, May 16, 2009

The end of soccer season!!

Our soccer season ended today with a morning of two games. They lost the first game 3-0, but came back to win the second game 4-3! It will be nice to have our Saturday mornings back again (and more time to yard sale!!)

Every game starts like this... Waiting for his turn to play...

A half-time pep talk...this team has an AWESOME coach (of course I am a little biased)!
It was hot and sunny out there today, lots of water!!
The end of the game high-five!
Spring Soccer 2009 - Team LiverpoolEmily got some "big sister" practice playing with our friends kiddos and their sweet baby boy they adopting from Ethiopia last fall. she loved every minute of it! (Susan, isn't it funny seeing a pic of your kids on someone else's blog??)

1 comment:

Susan said...

That is funny! Jeremy was disappointed that he wasn't in it too! :-D

Glad soccer is over!
