Wednesday, January 20, 2010

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!

Last Tuesday night, shortly after 6:00 the phone was a conversation that will forever be engraved in my mind and heart. It was the director of our agency, she asked me to get Dave on the other line and said the words we will never forget "It's a Boy!!!" Samuel Dalton McClard was born last Tuesday afternoon weighing 8 lbs 2 ozs and 21" long. Needless to say we were bouncing off the walls, crying, screaming, and lots of hugging!! We knew that the next part of the journey would be the longest and hardest part yet as we would wait and pray over the next 7 days that he would be ours forever. We decided to keep the news private and spent this time in prayer for our sweet boy and the birthmother that chose life for him and us to be his parents. We knew that the Lord was in full control of the entire situation and His will would be accomplished! The 7 days has passed and tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM we will see his face for the very first time and hold him in our arms!!

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this journey to be so life-changing, not just for me but for our entire family. I have seen time and time over again how faithful and sovereign our Lord truly is. The wait was longer than we ever anticipated and now I understand why...hindsight it always 20/20 isn't it??? The Lord knew from the moment our journey began that Samuel would be ours and we would be his parents. I also have to stop and thank my husband for being an absolute ROCK on this journey...I could not (or wouldn't want to) have walked through this with anyone else. He has seen me cry more times then I can count and put up with a roller coaster of emotions for what has seemed like an eternity. During the past 7 days whenever my faith was weak or my emotions were topsy-turvy he would look at me and say "God's got this Hon'...He knows exactly who will be Samuel's parents." Seeing him get ready to be a new Daddy again has made me fall in love with him all over again.

The little clothes are ready, the diaper bag is packed, car seat is in the van, kids have their Big Brother/Sister shirts ready to wear and their is nothing left to do but wait for these last few hours to pass!!!


javajanie said...

I have tears of joy in my eyes for you, Dave and your family! Congratulations!!!!! I can't wait to see him! :D The Lord is so good and so gracious!

Hall Family in MD said...

God is good! Waiting is hard, but oh, so worth it! Welcome Samuel!

Susan said...

SO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL!! PICTURES, PLEASE! We've been waiting about as long as you! LOL!


Grandma said...

What can I say??? I am so happy and excited for everyone including being a "grandma" again to this very special "chosen" little guy!!! Can't wait to see him!!!

Love, Grandma