Sunday, May 11, 2008

SEEK Family Night

Our homeschool co-op ended this week and we had Family Night on Thursday where all the kids get to show off projects they have made and things they have learned this semester. Nathan took a Greek and Latin Class & an Introduction to Physics class. Emily took an Etiquette for Girls class that I taught and took a Dramatic Expression class for the second hour. I took a video of the kids performances in hopes of being able to attach them to the blog but we realized we do not have a firewire cable to link the videos from our camcorder to the computer, and I was not willing to drop the $ 50 Best Buy wanted for one!

Nathan's Latin class opened the evening reciting the Lord's Prayer in Latin then in English.

Emily with our Etiquette for Girls table display. This was a fun class to teach....14 sweet little girls! We ended the last class with a Teddy Bear Tea Party. Emily's drama class did the cutest performance of "A Mouse and a Monster". It was absolutely precious!!


Andrea said...

Woah ... the Lord's Prayer in Latin ... way to go, Nathan! At least if our children are going to be unsocialized, they can speak in Latin and Greek :)

Kim said...

Bet the kids loved this! It sounds awesome! Can't wait to hear Nate speak Latin in person!