Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Field Trip

We took a 2 for the price of 1 field trip today! Dave and I needed to go downtown to request our criminal background checks and be fingerprinted for our adoption process. Don't worry, we are officially not criminals!

Here is the CCBI building in downtown Raleigh...I thought about asking the lady doing our fingerprints if we could take pictures but she was a little scary. How often are people excited to be fingerprinted???? Nathan and Emily thought it was very cool to watch though....

After that excitement was over we went to Marbles Kids Museum, they renovated this museum last year and this was the first time we had gone. They have alot of really neat hands on, exhibits. Here are the kids with a massive Connect Four game. Check out this enormous chess set! Wouldn't this be cool for the backyard???
Our favorite part of the museum was an exhibit called "Five Friends of Japan" where you could see exactly what life is like for 5 different children in Japan. You see their rooms, school, homes, and learn about their families. Here is Em trying on one of the little girls kimonos.
There was also a neat station to learn to write in Japanese. This is Emily trying the write the character for the word flower.

1 comment:

Jazzy said...

'Marbles' is a lot of fun! Especially for us "big kids"! It's a shame you all weren't able to stop and see something at the WACHOVIA IMAX attached at Marbles. Yeah..that where MY raise went last year for sure! No..I'm not bitter :-P Wachovia employees DO get a discount after all.......... ;-)

I'm sure the lady at the CCBI was scary! Probably just as scary as the one that checks you in at the Wake County Court House...learn THAT the hard way! No more speeding tickets for Jeff!!!

SO glad that things are going smoothly along in the new niece/nephew process!

-J ;-)