Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gardens, Papers, and Soccer...

Our garden is officially planted! We spent last weekend tilling and spreading the compro and got all the seeds in yesterday. Hopefully in a few months we'll be feasting on some good squash, zucchini, lettuce, tomatoes, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, onions, beans, peas, and watermelon.

On the adoption front we are now in the fun part of the paperwork... applications, insurance and financial verification, medical information, background checks, fingerprints, and lots of other exciting things. We've heard other adoptive families affectionately calling this the "paperwork pregnancy"... I'll take mountains of paperwork over morning sickness and tiredness any day!!

Nathan played his first soccer games today, he had a double dose with two games this morning. It was 50 degrees with probably a 20 mph wind, and some drizzling rain toward the end...very cold!!! Hard to believe it was 82 degrees yesterday! Given the cold temps and my freezing fingers, no photos were taken of this first game.


Susan said...

Your garden looks great! I'm jealous -we have too many trees for anything to grow.

I am still cold from this morning's soccer game! Our ref thought it was 40 min. halves, so we had a 1 1/2 hour game. BRRRRR! Not as bad as two games I guess!


Carol McClard said...

The garden looks great!! 80 degress oh my gosh, we got another 6 inches of snow Friday!! We were just starting to see tulips and crocus pop through the ground!!

Can't wait to see pix of Nathan's next game, and hope it's a little warmer!


Andrea said...

oh, planting already ... I'm a bit jealous of your longer planting season! We're planning to get our cool weather seeds and seedlings in this weekend. Can't wait to compare notes :)