Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pure Religion Adoption & Orphan Care Conference

I've blogged a few times over the past few months about the Adoption Conference Dave & I had the privilege of coordinating with our children's pastor. The conference was held this past weekend and I am still amazed at all that was accomplished! Seeing something that began as a prayer in our hearts to help others who may be considering adoption come to pass and over 300 people attend was life-changing for Dave and I. We had the privilege of leading a breakout workshop on "Building a Transracial Family...Adopting outside your skin color" Watching my hubby stand before a packed room and share his heart and his love for our son is a moment I will never forget. Our passion for the orphan and the fatherless has been stirred more than ever and we are excited to be serving in this ministry. I'll leave you with a very well-written article from our church's online magazine summing up the details of the conference from one of our attendees.

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