Friday, November 13, 2009

Rainy Days = Projects!!

It's been raining for 3 straight days here thanks to remnants from Hurricane Ida. The rain has been a blessing as we have needed it, but we have not been out to play since Monday!! Of course being stuck inside, means more time for projects!

I made this monogram wall hanging for my red/music/play room. I had seen something similar in the Pottery Barn catalog for $ 49...silly Pottery Barn with your ridiculous prices..but Thank You for sending me your catalogs for free so I can copy your ideas and make them using...
$1 yard sale tabletops! Remember these 3 legged beauties we used to put the ruffled skirts on?!?! It was just the right size circle and Nathan got to take the legs down for future campfire!
The kids and I also made a "Thankful Tree." We just found a cool branch from the yard (in between the rainshowers), spray painted it and every member of our family needs to "decorate" it each day with something they are thankful for.

It bothers me how Thanksgiving seems to get pushed further under the carpet every year by Christmas. Of course we are all getting excited for Christmas, but we still need to take time and enjoy Thanksgiving and how blessed we are. We have so much to be thankful for!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

wow! you're outdoing yourself! ahh, those lovely tables, how could I forget ... nice to see it turned into something beautiful :)