Monday, November 30, 2009

Decking the Halls...

With our bellies full of turkey we spent the weekend putting out all the Christmas decorations...the garlands, wreaths, outside lights, decorating the's all done! It feels nice to have it to enjoy for the whole month of December. It's hard to believe when we are packing all this away in January that Baby McClard may finally be here!! We're praying hard that our adoption journey is nearly over and the crazy days of life with a newborn will soon be upon us!!


javajanie said...

It looks gorgeous! We did most of our decorating this weekend. Just have to go to the store and get some bulbs for a few strands of lights that aren't working. Like you, I'm glad it's done and I can just enjoy it!

Carol McClard said...

WOW!! The house looks so festive, warm and welcoming for "Baby McClard"!! Great job everyone!!

Love, Grandma Carol