Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Christmas Memories"

Just wanted to share some of our Christmas memories... We always get dressed up and go to my Mom and Dad's for dinner on Christmas Eve.

I thought it would be fun to play some games this year (thanks for some neat ideas, Kim!). For this game we tore pieces of paper behind our backs in the shape of a Christmas tree. I'm surprised how well everyone did.

We also played "pass the gift", "blind drawing", and one-handed gift wrapping! Dave and I won for speed, Mom and Em won for the prettiest, and Nathan and my Dad, well...

Ready to open some gifts on Christmas morning!

Princess knows her present is in here somewhere!

3 sets of grandparents + 2 kids = waaaayyy too many gifts!!!
I couldn't resist getting one gift for Baby was just too true and perfect for boy or girl... yes, this will be one loved baby!!

We end every Christmas day by singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus" and having birthday cake. This year I let the kids make the cake all by themselves. They did a super job!


Susan said...

Looks like fun! Merry Christmas! Jeremy wants to know where you got Nathan's jammies. He likes them.

Love you! Susan

Kim said...

Merry CHRISTmas! Good job on those "one handed" trees! LOL! Missing you guys!