Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Gotcha Day" Anniversary

Yesterday was a very special day for our family...the one year anniversary of Samuel's "Gotcha Day"...the day he became a McClard!! I thought I would share some pics of that special day with you!

Our first few minutes together...

Brand new big brother & sister...yup, lots of happy tears that day!!!
Feeding him his very first bottle...
Our first photo as a family of 5!!
...and now for some pics of this year's "Gotcha Day!"
Morning tickles & snuggles in Mama & Daddy's bed...
We took him to Build-A-Bear to make his very first animal!
He chose a soft monkey...which Nathan & Emily have named "Mr. Monk-a-Monk"
Watching the lady stuff his monkey...
Watching Baby Einstein with Mr. Monk-a-monk later that day...
We're so thankful to have had our sweet boy for one year already!!!


Sarah said...

Samuel is SO adorable! What a sweet day to celebrate!!! We miss you guys!

javajanie said...

So wonderful! I'm so thankful God sent Samuel to you and I'm thankful you are sharing your story with us!