Saturday, October 13, 2007

"Ken's Korny Korn Maze"

On Saturday we had a fall outing to Ken's Corn Maze, the maze stretches more than 2 1/2 miles, you travel through it searching for mailboxes and clues to navigate your way through the maze. We took my Mom and Dad with us and had a great time!It was Chick-Fil-A Day at the maze, the kids got a chance to see the cow and plays some games.
Pumpkin Checkers...very cute!
Entering the Maze at 11:51 AM!!! They make you carry a huge flag so you can wave it if you get lost or need help.....fortunately we did not need to do this!
Acres of corn....the tower you see in the background is where they stand and watch for poor lost souls...probably laugh at everyone walking in circles, too....

Exiting the maze at 12:57 time in the maze 1 hour and 6 minutes...not too shabby!


Jazzy said...

Awwwww first year that I don't get to partake!!! However, considering the fact that I'm 3000 miles away and probably was, at that exact moment standing ON the Golden Gate Bridge....yes, the pain has SLIGHTLY eased..whew ;-) Check your email box for more photos--the more I see of beautiful Cali, the deeper I fall in love!

I'm lovin the blog. BTW.

Kim said...

How fun! What a cute idea with the pumpkin checkers! Might have to steal for the harvest festival!